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One platform to access exclusive deals and trade.

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Powerful Simplicity

All-in-one access to unlisted and ASX listed companies and multi faceted trading capabilities.


Never be at the mercy of a black book again. Once you are onboarded to Liquidity, you can access exclusive deals from unlisted and ASX-listed companies.


Because the power is in your hands, we’ve made this platform incredibly easy to use. Liquidity has removed the noise and kept things simple. 


By digitising corporate finance, Liquidity has eliminated delays and sped up the whole process. Investors make substantial bids quickly, and companies can accept allocations with ease.

The tech stack





CHESS-Sponsored HIN.

Two-factor Authentification

AFSL number

A Secure Linked Macquarie Bank Cash Management Account

Registered with Fintech Australia.



Powerful Simplicity

Portfolio System Tracking Unlisted Holdings

Automatic Updates of Recent News

Manage multiple accounts (e.g. individual, company, trust)

A Optional Free HIN Based Professional Trading Screen with Live Prices to Trade Australian Shares

Automated identification verification

Digital signatory process

Automated bank setup

Easy Digital Bid and Offer Acceptance



Exclusive Experience

Exclusive Access to investment opportunities that offer world-changing ideas via listed and unlisted capital raises

Earn Cash Back and Premium Experiences

Invite only platform

Curate experience to areas of interest

News about upcoming companies

CHESS-Sponsored HIN.

Two-factor Authentification

AFSL number

A Secure Linked Macquarie Bank Cash Management Account

Registered with Fintech Australia.

Portfolio System Tracking Unlisted Holdings

Automatic Updates of Recent News

Manage multiple accounts (e.g. individual, company, trust)

A Optional Free HIN Based Professional Trading Screen with Live Prices to Trade Australian Shares

Automated identification verification

Digital signatory process

Automated bank setup

Easy Digital Bid and Offer Acceptance

Exclusive Access to investment opportunities that offer world-changing ideas via listed and unlisted capital raises

Earn Cash Back and Premium Experiences

Invite only platform

Curate experience to areas of interest

News about upcoming companies

What do I get with my Liquidity account?

Liquidity users get access to a free live trading screen to manage their portfolio whenever they want and wherever they want. See live market depth and track market trends with your stock screening tool.

iPad with Liquidity app on the screen

Liquidity users also get exclusive access to unique, curated investment opportunities. These deals range across all investment stages and sectors so you can decide what suits your investment thesis.

Liquidity users are rewarded for opening their account, transferring across holdings and investing in deals with Liquidity Dollars. Liquidity Dollars can be: redeemed for cash to offset your brokerage, be rolled in to future deals on Liquidity, or be utilised for premium products and experiences.

Exclusive Experience Background

Exclusive Experience

Liquidity is a place for select sophisticated investors. For those who can see its potential, opportunity exists far beyond your investments. 


$500 Cash back
$250 Cash back




Company Name Limited
Two Lines (ASX:ABC)

Offer Price


Offer Size


Peer Comparison

Liquidity vs. other investment apps


Liquidity Logo

Challenger Platform

Start-up Platform

Leading Platform

Established Platform

ASX Trading Platform

Raise Capital for Unlisted Companies

Lead Manager on Capital Raise

Digital Signatory Processes for Offer Letter



Restricted User Invite System

Share the Fee (Liquidity Dollars)

Partner Programs

Automated Identification Verification

Sophisticated Investors only (708 Investors)

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