AusQuest Limited (ASX:AQD)

Exploring within Australia and Peru

About Us

AusQuest Limited is an exploration company targeting new deposits and mineral provinces with major ore potential with the aim of significantly enhancing shareholder wealth. Since listing on the Australian Stock Exchange AusQuest Limited has attracted a range of major companies either as joint venture or strategic alliance partners to help fund exploration over its projects.

Company Overview

The Company is currently exploring within Australia and Peru and holds in excess of 5,000 km² of exploration title (granted tenements and tenement applications).

The Company has a Strategic Alliance Agreement with South32 (SAA) that has been active since February 2017 (7 years), with South32 providing funds to advance selected early-stage prospects to the drilling stage with follow-up drilling under agreed joint venture terms. During 2023 the SAA was extended for a further 2 year period with a focus on exploration programs in Australia. An administration fee (15%) on all funds expended under the SAA helps to fund ongoing project generation and administration costs of the Company.

The company comprises a team of highly experienced geologists and geophysicists with a great breadth of technical and managerial expertise across most mineral commodities.

Board & Management

Graeme Drew

Graeme Drew

Managing Director

Graeme has over 40 years experience in the exploration industry in Australia and overseas. Prior to co-founding AusQuest he was an Exploration Manager for CRA Exploration Pty Ltd and Rio Tinto Exploration Pty Ltd in Western Australia (9 years) and Eastern Australia (4 years). He has wide experience in the search for, and evaluation of, most base and precious metals (notably nickel, gold, uranium, zinc, diamonds). As a co-founder he now works solely for AusQuest.

Greg Hancok

Greg Hancok

Non-Executive Chairman

Mr Hancock is Managing Director of Hancock Corporate Investments Pty Ltd, a specialist Corporate Advisory practice active in capital markets in both Australia and the United Kingdom.  Greg is Non-Executive Chair of Triangle Energy (Global) Ltd; Cobra Resources Plc and Non Executive Director of BMG Resources Ltd, Group 6 Metals Ltd and Golden State Mining Ltd.  Greg has been a Non-Executive Director of AusQuest since it’s listing in 2003.

Chris Ellis

Chris Ellis

Non-Executive Director

Chris has over 40 years experience in the exploration and mining industry in Australia and overseas. Prior to joining AusQuest Chris was an Executive Director (Project Development) of the highly successful coal mining company Excel Coal Limited. Chris was a co-founder of the company and developed it into Australia’s largest independent coal mining company, producing 12 mtpa of coal sales from 5 mines. Excel, which was valued at $2 Billion, was taken over by Peabody Energy Inc. in October 2006.  Chris has core skills in geology, mining engineering and minerals processing and has had overall responsibility for the design and engineering of four new mines during his career with Excel.

AusQuest Limited

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