Black Cat Syndicate Limited (ASX:BC8)

Fast Growing - Western Australian Gold Producer

About Us

Black Cat Syndicate Limited is a fast-growing Western Australian gold producer. Listed on the ASX in 2018, they have established a substantial and growing portfolio of high-grade gold resources in prime gold regions.

Company Overview

Black Cat Syndicate's operations are strategically located in prime gold regions of Western Australia:

  • Paulsens Gold Operation: Situated 180 km west of Paraburdoo in the Ashburton Basin, this operation includes an underground mine, a 450,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) processing facility, and multiple potential open pits.
  • Coyote Gold Operation: Located approximately 20 km west of the Western Australia-Northern Territory border on the Tanami Highway, Coyote comprises both open pit and underground mines, a 300,000 tpa processing facility, and associated infrastructure.
  • Kal East Gold Project: This project encompasses around 1,070 km² of prospective ground east of Kalgoorlie, a renowned mining center.

In the second half of 2024, Black Cat achieved a significant milestone by mining first gold from the Myhree open pit at Kal East, followed by the inaugural gold pour at Paulsens in December 2024. With production underway at both sites, the company is focusing on cash generation and resuming exploration activities to identify high-margin ounces and extend mine life at each operation.

Board & Management

Paul Chapman

Paul Chapman

Non-Executive Chairman

Paul is a chartered accountant with over thirty years’ experience in the resources sector gained in Australia and the United States. Paul has experience across a range of commodity businesses including gold, nickel, uranium, manganese, bauxite/alumina and oil/gas. Paul has held managing director and other senior management roles in public companies. Paul was a founding shareholder and/or director of the following ASX listed companies: Reliance Mining, Encounter Resources, Rex Minerals, Silver Lake Resources, Paringa Resources, Dreadnought Resources and Avanco Resources. Paul is Non-Executive Chairman – Meeka Metals (ASX:MEK), Non-Executive Chairman – Dreadnought Resources (ASX:DRE), Non-Executive Director – Sunshine Metals (ASX:SHN).

Gareth Solly

Gareth Solly

Managing Director

Gareth has a First Class Honours degree in Earth Science from the University of Melbourne. Gareth’s career incorporates over 24 years mining industry experience covering numerous ore body types in both underground and surface environments with a proven ability in leading mine geology, resource development and near mine exploration teams. He has worked his way up from mine geologist to chief operations geologist and registered mine manager positions in both open cut and underground operations which includes 11 years senior management experience with organisations including Saracen Minerals, Silver Lake Resources and Norilsk. Of particular relevance, Gareth was the Chief Geologist and late Resident Manager at Mount Monger which is similar in many ways to Bulong and involved managing a workforce of approximately 200.

Les Davis

Les Davis

Non-Executive Director

Les has a Master’s Degree in Mineral Economics from Curtin University of WA and over 42 years mining industry experience including 17 years hands-on experience in mine development and narrow vein mining. Les career incorporates over 25 years senior management and executive experience including roles as Mine Manager, Technical Services Manager, Concentrator Manager, Resident Manager and GM Expansion Projects with organisations including WMC Resources, Reliance Mining and Consolidated Minerals. Les was the founding Managing Director of Silver Lake Resources (ASX:SLR) in 2007 and Non-Executive Director of Spectrum Metals (ASX:SPX) in 2019. Les is currently a Non-Executive Director of Sunshine Metals Limited (ASX:SHN).

Davide Bosio

Davide Bosio

Non-Executive Director

Davide is an experienced company director with significant resources and gold sector experience including having served on the board of De Grey Mining Ltd as well as Spectrum Metals Ltd which was ultimately acquired by Ramelius Resources Ltd. In addition, Davide is currently a non-executive director at Yojee Ltd (ASX:YOJ).

Most recently, Davide served as the WA State Manager and Director of Corporate Finance at investment and wealth management firm Shaw and Partners having overseen the sale of the historic WA broking firm, DJ Carmichael Pty Limited to Shaw in 2019. For over 23 years, Davide has been immersed in the WA finance industry offering corporate services and strategic advice to private and public organisations, specifically in relation to capital management and M&A.

Richard Laufmann

Richard Laufmann

Non-Executive Director

Richard, a graduate of the WA School of Mines, is a mining engineer with broad experience in the resources sector – specifically in copper, gold and nickel – both corporately and operationally.

Richard is currently a founding director, Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of Rex Minerals (ASX:RXM). Before becoming CEO of Rex Minerals, Richard was CEO of Indophil Resources (ASX:IRN) which had ownership in and management of one of the world’s largest undeveloped copper projects (Tampakan). Previous roles include CEO of Ballarat Goldfields (ASX:BGF) and General Manager of Gold for Western Mining Corporation. Of particular relevance to Black Cat, Richard ran the large St Ives Gold Operation south of Kalgoorlie. Richard is a past Chairman of the State Council of the Minerals Council of Australia (Victorian division) at the time the State Council merged into the national MCA.

Black Cat Syndicate Limited

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