The Company commands an extensive land portfolio of over 4,500km2 across three promising mineral regions in Western Australia, bolstered by an option to acquire exploration rights in Québec, Canada. Within the East Laverton Projects, the Company holds under explored tenements with significant potential for Rare Earth Elements (REE), gold, and base metals. Meanwhile, the Mt Monger Gold Project, located approximately 70km southeast of Kalgoorlie, encompasses known gold deposits and is strategically positioned adjacent to the Randalls gold mill operated by Silver Lake Resources Limited.
In addition, the Ravensthorpe Project, situated between Esperance and Bremer Bay, features a range of prospective minerals, including REE, lithium, nickel, and graphite. Across the ocean in Québec, the Pomme project stands out as a known carbonatite intrusion enriched in REE and niobium, presenting an appealing exploration target. With priority drilling targets identified across all project areas, the Company remains well-funded, positioning itself for effective and comprehensive exploration initiatives.