Resolution Minerals Limited (ASX:RML)

Exploring and developing precious and battery metals for a sustainable future.

About Us

Resolution Minerals Limited is an Australian mineral exploration company engaged in the acquisition, exploration, and development of precious and battery metals, including gold, copper, cobalt, and uranium. Listed on the ASX in 2017, the company boasts a diverse portfolio of projects across Australia and Alaska, aiming to meet the growing global demand for critical minerals.

Company Overview

Established in 2017, Resolution Minerals Limited (ASX: RML) focuses on exploring and developing mineral resources vital for the transition to sustainable energy solutions. The company's strategic portfolio includes the George Project in South Australia, prospective for high-purity silica sands and uranium; the Benmara Project in the Northern Territory, targeting battery metals; and a 51% interest in the 64North Gold Project in Alaska.

Resolution Minerals is committed to responsible exploration practices, working closely with local communities and stakeholders to ensure environmental sustainability and social responsibility. The company's experienced management team leverages its expertise to identify and develop projects with significant potential, positioning Resolution Minerals as a key player in the mineral exploration sector.

Board & Management

Aharon Zaetz

Aharon Zaetz

Non-Executive Director

Aharon Zaetz is a lawyer and experienced director. He brings many years of legal expertise in corporate law, mergers and acquisitions, and business negotiations to his role including experience negotiating with tenement holders and landowners. As a seasoned lawyer, Aharon has assisted clients at all stages of their business journeys, from start-ups to established corporations.

Mendel Rogatsky

Mendel Rogatsky

Non-Executive Director

Mr Rogatsky is a New York businessman who brings a wealth of business acumen to the company.

Syed Hizam Alsagoff

Syed Hizam Alsagoff

Non-Executive Director

Mr Alsagoff has an extensive network and experience in investment and corporate strategy in Asia and globally. Further, he has over 20 years’ experience in senior operational and corporate leadership roles in diverse sectors’ operations across several countries.

Resolution Minerals Limited

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