The Company has an 80% interest in the Nepean South tenement, E15/1702, which covers a greater than 10km strike-length corridor of ultramafic rocks south of the historical Nepean Nickel (massive sulphide) Mine (past production 1.1Mt at 3.0% Ni) near Coolgardie in WA.
The Company previously completed an RC drilling program which intersected high nickel grades with elevated copper in the saprolite or weathered zone of the ultramafics (e.g., 8m @ 1.01% Ni, 0.02% Cu from 28m incl. 3m @ 1.26% Ni in NSRC0012).
The drilling also tested fresh rock below the saprolite intersections, intersecting disseminated sulphides across the ultramafic/footwall basalt contact which has confirmed that Kambalda-style channelised ultramafics (komatiites) have been intersected.
This indicates potential for Kambalda/Nepean style massive nickel sulphide accumulations at the base of the high-MgO komatiitic ultramafic in contact with the footwall basalt below.