Core Energy Minerals Limited

Core Energy Minerals Limited (ASX:CR3)

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Core Energy Minerals Limited (ASX:CR3)


Lead Manager

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Core Energy Minerals Limited

Offer Details

Issue Price (Per Share)


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Shares Available


Two-Tranche Private Placement Offer utilising the company’s existing capacity under Listing Rule 7.1 and 7.1A, along with additional shares pre-approved at an AGM, to raise up to $2.50m at $0.019 per share. Approximately $1.3m will be settled in the first tranche, pursuant to the company’s placement capacity, the balance will be settled in a second tranche subject to a shareholder approval at an EGM to be convened. GBA and the Company reserve the right to accept oversubscriptions of up to $500,000. The placement offer comes with 1 for 1 free attaching listed options with an exercise price of $0.035, expiring 2 years from the date of issuance. It is proposed that the options will be listed, subject to ASX Listing Rule requirements. The issuance of the Options also requires shareholder approval at the General Meeting.

Directors intend to commit up to $120k in the offer, subject to shareholder approval at an upcoming General Meeting. Argentinian investment group, Integra Capital, has provided a firm commitment of $1.0 million in the offer, with funds scheduled to be settled in Tranche 2.

Lead Manager: GBA Capital

Use of Funds

The funds raised will be focused towards:

  • Exploration activities – Australian projects $0.70m
  • Exploration activities – Brazilian projects $0.40m
  • Exploration activities – Nambian projects $0.15m
  • Repayment of Short Term Loan $0.75m
  • General Working Capital Purposes and Offer Costs $0.5m.

Company Overview

Core Energy Minerals Limited (ASX: CR3) is a mineral exploration company with a high potential asset portfolio in safe jurisdictions and diversified across commodity. CR3 aims to advance its projects across Namibia, Brazil and Australia, refining its focus, and potentially unlocking shareholder value through divestment or spin out options for the Graphite Project in South Australia. CR3 is currently focussed on its uranium projects in Namibia and Brazil, with the Company exploring options to expand its land position. 

Indicative Timetable

The below dates are indicative only and are subject to change without notice. The Company and GBA Capital reserve the right to extend the Closing Date of the offer or close the capital raise early without notice. All times are in AEDT (Sydney, Australia) unless stated otherwise.

CR3 placed in Trading Halt

Thursday January 23 2025

Placement Offer Opens

Thursday January 23 2025

Placement Offer Closes

4pm AEST Friday January 24 2025

Offer letters accepted

Friday January 24 2025

CR3 Recommences Trading

Tuesday January 28 2025

Settlement Tranche 1

Tuesday February 04 2025

Allotment of Shares - Tranche 1

Wednesday February 05 2025

Extraordinary General Meeting

Approx Start-March 2025

Settlement Tranche 2

Approx Start-March 2025

Allotment of Shares - Tranche 2

Approx Start-March 2025

Documents & Downloads


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Disclosure of Interest: Liquidity receives commission from dealing in securities and its introducers of business may directly share in this commission. Liquidity and its associates may hold shares in Core Energy Minerals Limited.

Core Energy Minerals Limited


Core Energy Minerals Limited (ASX:CR3)


Offer Price


per share

Offer Size



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