Lodestar Minerals Limited

Lodestar Minerals Limited (ASX:LSR)

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Lodestar Minerals Limited (ASX:LSR)


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Lodestar Minerals Limited

Key Offer Details

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Lodestar Minerals (ASX:LSR) (‘The Company’) is seeking to raise a minimum of $500,000 via placement at A$0.011 per share, with a 1-for-2 free-attaching option exercisable at A$0.017 per share, with a two year expiry from date of issuance.

The Company will be taking this opportunity to place stock to strategic investors.

The Company reserves the right to accept applications above the minimum capital raise sought.

The Company advises that the Directors have committed to A$130,000 in application funds, subject to receipt of shareholder approval at a general meeting of shareholders

Use of Funds

To fund the maiden drilling program to be undertaken in February 2025 at the Company’s newly acquired Darwin IOCG Project in Chile. The primary use of these funds will be for completion of an inaugural RC drilling program comprising 2,000m. The near-term expenditure commitment to LSR’s Western Australian projects is nominal and as such, the Company is directing a larger focus on the highly prospective Darwin Project.

The planned use of funds is as follows:

  • Chilean Assets - $400,000
  • Australian Assets - $30,000
  • Working Capital / Overheads - $70,000

Company Overview

Lodestar Minerals is an active Western Australian base metal and gold explorer. The Company’s projects comprise the 100% owned Earaheedy, Ned’s Creek and Coolgardie West Projects, in addition to the recently secured option to acquire 100% of the Darwin Project in Chile.

Lodestar also has exposure to lithium via its strategic shareholding in Future Battery Minerals (ASX:FBM) who own the Kangaroo Hills and Miriam Lithium Projects in Western Australia, and the Nevada Lithium Project in the USA.

Darwin Project

High grade Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG) ‘Darwin’ project secured in Chile.

Rock chip assays up to 247 g/t Au, 8% Cu and 66%Fe.

Very high-grade Cu-Au mineralization from rock chip samples including:

Gold: 247 g/t Au, 229 g/t Aug, 195 g/t Au, 185 g/t Au and 166 g/t Au

Copper: 8.09% Cu, 7.78% Cu, 4.75% Cu, 3.43% Cu, 3.34% Cu and 3.14% Cu

Extensive Iron Ore mineralization grading above 66% Fe in outcrops

LSR has an Option Agreement over the highly prospective 3,100-hectare project located 75km southwest of the city of Copiapó in northern Chile.

Vastly underexplored – multiple historical workings across the project area have never been drilled.

Multiple large magnetic anomalies with the potential to define IOCG mineralisation at depth.

Drill ready project – 2,000m of RC drilling is planned for February 2025 giving LSR the opportunity to add immediate value in the near-term.

The Darwin Project in Chile lies within one of the World’s largest IOCG (iron oxide, copper, gold) Belts which includes the 1.2 Bt @ 0.60% Cu, 0.13 g/t Au, 2.0 g/t Ag Candelaria Deposit. The region is host to numerous world class copper deposits and gold rich IOCG deposits such as Carola (10Mt @ 1.8% Cu, 0.5g/t Au) and Atacama Kozan (50Mt @ 1.6% Cu, 0.35g/t Au). The association between high-grade Cu, Au and Fe at surface in the Darwin Project is very encouraging and a good indication of the project’s potential.

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Very high-grade historical samples

Several rock chip sampling programmes have been completed by Coastal Metals Chile. LSR has also confirmed the high Au and Cu grades with a site visit and a rock chip sampling programme and assaying. Inaugural RC drilling will test a corridor (Targets 1-3 and an untested target) which includes numerous historic workings from surface associated with these high-grade Cu and Au rock chip assays and magnetic targets potentially associated with IOCG mineralisation (Figure 2).

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Earaheedy Project

The Earaheedy Project is a major strategic land holding comprising over 500 km2 in the emerging Earaheedy Province. The Project is located on the northern margin of the prospective Earaheedy Basin.

The Project includes Cu-Au targets within a similar geological setting to the DeGrussa Copper Deposit which is located in the neighbouring Bryah Basin. Limited historic drilling within Lodestar’s tenements has intercepted high grade copper including 2m @ 4.65% Cu and 3m @ 1.97% Cu.

Ned's Creek Project

The Ned’s Creek Project is comprised of three contiguous Exploration Licenses totalling 137 km2 located 180km northeast of the township of Meekatharra within the Ned’s Creek and Marymia Pastoral Leases, Western Australia.

Lodestar’s historical exploration has defined a kilometre scale gold system adjacent to the Contessa Granite. Extensive low-grade gold mineralisation has been identified over a strike distance of 2.3km on the southern margin of the granite, which has led to the identification of four main prospects, all within E52/2456:

  • Contessa Prospect
  • Central Park Prospect
  • Gidgee Flat Prospect
  • Brumby Prospect

Significant intersections include 11m @ 29g/t Au from 140m, 12m @ 3.7g/t Au from 36m, 11m @ 5.8g/t Au and 16m @ 2g/t Aug from surface in these four separate prospects spread over approximately 5km of strike.

Coolgardie West Project

The Coolgardie West Project is located 7km west of Coolgardie in the Eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia, where Lodestar holds an exploration license comprising 59km2 prospective for Gold, Nickel and Lithium.

Indicative Timetable

The Lead Managers and the Company reserve the right to vary these times and dates without notice. Listed Options are subject to ASX requirements.

Bids Due

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Confirmation Due

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Expected Quotation of New Shares

Friday, 7 March 2025

Board & Management

Ross Talyor

Ross Talyor

Non-Executive Chairman

Mr Taylor is an Investment Banker and experienced commercial leader. He has extensive experience in the international investment banking sector gained whilst working in Australia, London, New York, and Tokyo in senior positions with Deutsche Bank, Bankers Trust and Barclays Capital.

Ed Turner

Ed Turner

Managing Director

Mr Turner has 35 years of experience in the mining industry. He is a geologist with extensive experience in exploration management, underground mining, resource development, capital raisings, and commercial acquisitions and divestments. He has worked in precious metals, base metals, uranium and lithium in Australia, Africa, Eastern Europe, and South America. Recent Executive roles have included Technical Director for Riedel Resources Ltd, CEO for Galena Mining Ltd and CEO of Kingwest Resources Ltd.

David McArthur

David McArthur

Non-Executive Director

Mr McArthur has a Bachelor of Commerce Degree from the University of Western Australia. Mr McArthur is a Chartered Accountant, having spent four years with a major international accounting firm, and has over 30 years’ experience in the accounting profession. Mr McArthur has been actively involved in the financial and corporate management of numerous public listed companies over the past 30 years.

Mr McArthur has substantial experience in capital raisings, company re-organisations and restructuring, mergers and takeovers, and asset acquisitions by public companies.

Coraline Blaud

Coraline Blaud

Exploration Manager

Ms Blaud has ~10 years’ experience as a geologist in the junior mining sector working across multiple commodities (Li, K, Au, Pb, Ag, Cu, Ni) in Western Australia as well as in Europe and Africa. She has significant experience in Greenfields exploration and Resource Definition including the Abra Base Metal Deposit (Galena Mining Ltd) and the Menzies Gold Project (Kingwest Resources Ltd).


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Disclosure of Interest: Liquidity receives commission from dealing in securities and its introducers of business may directly share in this commission. Liquidity and its associates may hold shares in Lodestar Minerals Limited.

Lodestar Minerals Limited


Lodestar Minerals Limited (ASX:LSR)


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