National Australia Bank Limited

National Australia Bank Limited (ASX:NAB)

Minimum Investment


National Australia Bank Limited

Capital Note

National Australia Bank Limited (ASX:NAB)


Product Manager

Minimum Investment


Capital Note

National Australia Bank Limited

Key Offer Details

The issue is slated at $750m with no reinvestment option.   NAB Capital Notes 8 are fully paid mandatorily convertible subordinated perpetual debt securities in the form of unsecured notes issued by NAB (“NAB Capital Notes 8” or “Notes”).

The Notes Terms are complex and include features to comply with the detailed regulatory capital requirements which the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (“APRA”) applies to these securities.

The Margin range for the Capital Notes 8 will be between 260 – 280bps in increments of 10bps, subject to change by the Joint Lead Managers.



Board & Management

Philip Chronican

Philip Chronican

Non-Executive Director and Chair

Chair and independent non-executive director. Non-executive director since May 2016 and Chair of the Board and the Board’s Nomination & Governance Committee since November 2019. 

Andrew Irvine

Andrew Irvine

Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer

Managing Director and Group Chief Executive Officer since April 2024.

Kathryn Fagg AO

Kathryn Fagg AO

Non-Executive Director

Independent non-executive director since December 2019. Chair of the People & Remuneration Committee and member of the Board's Risk & Compliance Committee.

Christine Fellowes

Christine Fellowes

Non-Executive Director

Independent non-executive director since June 2023. Member of the Board's Customer and People & Remuneration Committees.

Carolyn Kay

Carolyn Kay

Non-Executive Director

Independent non-executive director since July 2023. Member of the Board's Audit, Risk & Compliance and Nomination & Governance Committees.

Alison Kitchen

Alison Kitchen

Non-Executive Director

Independent non-executive director since September 2023. Chair of the Board's Audit Committee and member of the Board’s Customer Committee.

Anne Loveridge AM

Anne Loveridge AM

Non-Executive Director

Independent non-executive director since December 2015. Member of the Board's Audit, Risk & Compliance and Nomination & Governance Committees.

Doug McKay ONZM

Doug McKay ONZM

Non-Executive Director

Independent non-executive director since February 2016. Member of the Board's Audit and Customer Committees. Chair and independent non-executive director of Bank of New Zealand (BNZ), a major subsidiary of NAB.

Simon McKeon AO

Simon McKeon AO

Non-Executive Director

Independent non-executive director since February 2020. Chair of the Board’s Risk & Compliance Committee and member of the Board's Nomination & Governance Committee.

Ann Sherry AO

Ann Sherry AO

Non-Executive Director

Independent non-executive director since November 2017. Chair of the Board's Customer Committee and member of the Board's People & Remuneration Committee. Co-Chair of NAB's Indigenous Advisory Group. 


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National Australia Bank Limited

Capital Note

National Australia Bank Limited (ASX:NAB)



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National Australia Bank Limited

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