Nimy Resources Limited

Nimy Resources Limited (ASX:NIM)

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Nimy Resources Limited (ASX:NIM)


Lead Manager

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Nimy Resources Limited

Offer Details

Issue Price (Per Share)


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Shares Available


Private Placement Offer utilising the company’s Listing Rule 7.1 capacity to raise up to $1.0mil with the ability to take $500k in oversubscriptions at $0.055. The offer comes with a 1 for 2 free attaching option. The terms of the options are $0.10 exercise price, expiring 30th June 2028. The issuance of the options will be subject to shareholder approval at an upcoming general meeting. The company aims to list the options subject to ASX listing rules.

Joint Lead Managers: GBA Capital & Charles Street Capital

Company Overview

Nimy Resources is an advanced Australian metals exploration company focusing on its Mons Project, which encompasses a suite of metals including Gallium, Copper, and Rare Earth Elements (REEs). The project spans ~3,005km2 of highly fertile geological territory in Western Australia, known for multiple significant mineral discoveries.

Block 3 Gallium Project

Located within the expansive Mons Project, the Block 3 site hosts the highest grade of Gallium in Australia, discovered over a large, near-surface area. This high-grade gallium discovery is open in all directions, with upcoming drilling programs aimed at extending the mineralisation further along strike. Specifically, the drilling will step out from the established high-grade zone and test a 400m west along strike, with holes extending depths of 240m. Resistivity depth imaging (RDI) has outlined a 900m x 300m footprint west along strike of Block 3 East, with coincident IP and soil anomaly. The drilling is designed to extend the +100g/t (ppm) gallium saprock and +150g/t (ppm) gallium high-grade fresh rock zones, with R/C drilling samples to be used for metallurgical test work. These technical studies will test gallium extraction methods as part of a JORC mineral resource estimate.

Historically significant drill intercept results at Block 3 include:

  • 240m (0-EOH) @ 50ppm Ga2O3
  • 240m (0-EOH) @ 42ppm Ga2O3
  • 52m (from Surface) @ 105ppm Ga2O3
    • Including 1m (from 41m) @369 ppm Ga2O3
  • 32m (from 16m) @99ppm Ga2O3
    • Including 4m (from 8m) @127ppm Ga2O3
  • 72m (from 52m) @117ppm Ga2O3
    • Including 1m (from 77m) @459ppm Ga2O3

Nimy Resources has also entered into a collaboration agreement with M2i Global to develop and supply gallium for the US Defense Industrial Base, enhancing Nimy's ability to secure procurement contracts with the US Department of Defense. This partnership aims to establish a robust supply chain for critical minerals between Australia and North America.

Use of Funds

The funds raised will be focused towards:

Use of Funds



Drilling to grow high-grade WA Gallium discovery


General Working Capital Purposes

Indicative Timetable

The below dates are indicative only and are subject to change without notice. The Company and GBA Capital reserve the right to extend the Closing Date of the offer or close the capital raise early without notice. All times are in AEDT (Sydney, Australia) unless stated otherwise.

NIM placed in Trading Halt

Monday, February 24 2025

Placement Offer Opens

Monday, February 24 2025

Placement Offer Closes

4pm AEST Tuesday, February 25 2025

Offer letters accepted

Tuesday, February 25 2025

NIM Recommences Trading

Wednesday, February 26 2025

Manual Settlement

Wednesday, March 05 2025

Allotment of Shares

Friday, March 07 2025

Document & Downloads

Board & Management

Neil Warburton

Neil Warburton

Non-Executive Chairman

Neil brings with him over 40 years of experience and knowledge in the mining industry, as a former director of IGO Ltd, Barminco and current Non-Executive Chairman of Belararox Limited, Non-Executive Chairman of Northcliffe Group and Executive Chairman at Abyssinian Metals.

Luke Hampson

Luke Hampson

Managing Director

Luke has over 30 years in the mining industry and has led management teams working throughout the Asia Pacific region. Luke specialises in project asset management having 19 years experience at WesTrac Pty Ltd, 3 years at Rio Tinto Iron Ore and 11 years Managing Director of Cloonmore Mining and Energy.

Christian Price

Christian Price

Executive Director

Christian is a Mining Engineer and Mineral Economist with over 19 years of experience, in operation, technical and senior leadership roles  in operating, development and exploration Australia most recently COO & CEO of ASX:REZ explorer and developer of projects in Western Australia and Queensland.


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Disclosure of Interest: Liquidity receives commission from dealing in securities and its introducers of business may directly share in this commission. Liquidity and its associates may hold shares in Nimy Resources Limited.

Nimy Resources Limited


Nimy Resources Limited (ASX:NIM)


Offer Price


per share

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