Nitronic Pty Ltd

Nitronic Pty Ltd

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Nitronic Pty Ltd


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Nitronic Pty Ltd

The Basics of Nitrogen Fertilisers

Synthetic nitrogen fixation which involves the production of nitrogen fertilisers from atmospheric nitrogen has revolutionised agriculture allowing for increased food production to meet and support growing global demand. However, it has also led to several significant problems. The production of nitrogen fertilisers is energy-intensive contributing 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions annually. Regions producing nitrogen fertilisers are politically unstable presenting a sovereign supply risk. Additionally, the production and transport are susceptible to commodity pricing (oil and gas) and can result in environmental and safety risks to local communities.

The production of ammonia is the halfway point to the production of nitrogen fertilisers. Whilst ammonia can be utilised as a fertiliser, its direct use worldwide is limited. The current industrial process that produces ammonia is large and centralized and requires ammonia to be transported to the point-of-use.

Why The Need to Reinvent Making Nitrogen Fertilisers

Fertiliser prices are subject to fluctuations in commodity currency and transport costs. Ecological and sovereign risks have and are having marked effects on not only cost but also fertiliser supply. Fertiliser facilities are typically located near gas fields and are large in scale due to their inherent inefficiencies. Most of Australia’s fertilisers are imported from overseas. Farmers have identified that nitrogen fertiliser are the single largest input cost to crop production. Addressing these issues us vital in providing a sustainable food supply.

How Nitronic is Fixing Nitrogen Fixation

Non-thermal plasma is a key element in Nitronic’s nitrogen fixing technology. Plasma technology has existed for over a century and has been utilised in numerous industrial processes. Plasma generation is simple cheap to implement and readily scalable. It is ideally suited to be run on renewable power.

Nitronic’s technology uses non-thermal plasma to make nitrogen more reactive and predominantly generates ammonia. The ammonia generated can be reacted to produce a range of nitrogen-based fertilisers. Importantly, Nitronic’s technology has a number of benefits over existing fertiliser production including that it:

  • does not require the generation of hydrogen
  • does not utilise the Haber-Bosch Process
  • does not operate at extreme temperatures or pressures
  • does not utilise fossil fuels or
  • does not produce greenhouse gas emission.

Additional benefits include:

  • Nitronic produces end-use fertilisers such as urea not just fertiliser intermediates such as ammonia
  • Nitronic’s technology can be scaled in size to meet demand or located close to end users.
  • Nitronic’s technology can be operated on electricity which can be sourced from renewable forms and be carbon emission-free.

Nitronic's Advantages

Fertiliser Variety

Can produce urea, ammonium phosphate, sulfate and nitrate fertilisers.


Requires no hydrogen generation or fossil fuel requirements.

Process Efficiency

Does not require the operating extremes of the HB and BM processes.

Environmental Benefit

No environmental emissions

Energy Source

Is an electrically powered process, suited to renewable energy with no emissions


Can operate in small units with lower capex, allowing local implementation.


Avoids high energy processes producing price competitive fertilisers.

Process Comparison

Compared to existing urea production and green urea production, Nitronic’s technology does not require the hydrogen generation stage. This phase is typically associated with fossil fuel use greenhouse gas emissions or water electrolysis.

Nitronic’s technology does not require the Haber-Bosch (HB) process and the associated energy consumption for generating high temperature and pressure. All green urea processes still require this energy intensive step.

Additionally, the inefficiency of the HBP requires large scale facilities with associated large capital cost and limited locations.

Ammonia is converted to urea via the Bosch Meiser (BM) process. The first step of this process which again requires high pressure is not required. Nitronic directly converts ammonia to ammonium carbonate as it is generated at room temperature and pressure. This is a single step process for ammonium carbamate generation. The final step, conversion of ammonium carbamate to urea, is conducted as previously utilised in the BMP. This is the only step that Nitronic utilises from the existing urea production process and occurs at a moderate temperature under normal pressure.

This low temperature/pressure single step process offers substantial cost savings in the fertiliser process.

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Company Comparison

Nitronic moves beyond ammonia production to produce a range of fertilisers that are required by farmers.

The processing technology is simple and cheap. Nitronic’s process does not require hydrogen generation, complex intermediates, processors and/or membranes. Nitronic’s technology is clearly differentiated from its competitors by being able to produce a range of fertilisers and is not restricted to solely producing ammonia.

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Development Program

Nitronic has a defined development program. The aim of this program is to optimise the production process to ensure that end products are efficiently produced. The program aims to model the production process and design a large pilot plant for testing. The development program will be conducted at the University of Illinois and will be overseen by Prof. Sankaran and Dr Gunzburg. An illustrative timetable has been created for this development program and is shown below.

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Board & Management

Dr Stuart Gunzburg

Dr Stuart Gunzburg

Managing Director & CEO

Stuart is an independent researcher and co-inventor of Nitronic’s technology. His research has also focused on development of nanotherapeutic products and optimisation of drug delivery. He has had a significant history in the development of renewable fuels projects and has held managerial and directorial positions at several ASX-listed, unlisted and not for profit organisations.

Prof. Mohan Sankaran

Prof. Mohan Sankaran


Mohan is a co-inventor of Nitronic’s technology and is currently a Professor in the Department of Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research focuses on low-temperature atmospheric-pressure plasmas for the synthesis of small-molecule chemicals and novel materials with applications in emerging electronics, medicine, and energy conversion.

Mr John Hassell

Mr John Hassell


John is a grain and livestock producer from Pingelly, Western Australia. He held several executive positions with the Western Australian Farmers Federation and was a director of Co-operative Bulk Handling. He is current president of WA Farmers and a board member of Wool Producers Australia. John holds a Bachelor of Business in Agriculture from Curtin Muresk Institute of Agriculture and is a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.


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